Thursday, November 7, 2019

New Amer. Importance of Washington, Hamilton, and Jefferson. essays

New Amer. Importance of Washington, Hamilton, and Jefferson. essays After the American Revolutionary War had been one, the colonies were left alone and rather unorganized. By 1789, a constitutional government begins to take shape but the nation was still very new, and still unorganized. During the formation of this new nation, three figures played a key role to the formation of this new nation. The wise leadership of Washington was essential to the nation at this time because without a strong head, the rest of the nation wouldve surely fallen apart. With Washington at the head, he had to set about basically making the entire nation because at the time, there was nothing but a state of disarray. The organization of the government was no small task and congress quickly created departments of State and of the Treasury. Washington appointed Jefferson as Secretary of State and Hamilton as Secretary of the Treasury. Even though Washington played a key role in the formation of the skeleton of the nation, it was Hamilton and Jefferson who truly played in this era. These two politicians were constantly clashing, each with their own very different ideals of Americas new policies. Hamilton aim was to give the country a more efficient organization; whereas Jefferson aimed to give individual men a wider liberty. Basically Hamilton feared anarchy and thought in terms of order; Jeffers on feared tyranny and thought in terms of liberty. The still young United States needed both influences and the guidance of Washington to grow. To be able to say that one of the three people had more of an impact in the policies of the new nation would be like saying that one corner of a triangle is more important than the other three. Its impossible, because without the three of these figures; Hamilton on one end, Jefferson on the other, and Washing finding an equilibrium between the two, the country would simply not have formed the way it did. One of the first things Hamilton did was propose a bil...

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